The Expert Edge: Online training on core topics that all adult and family literacy professionals should know. Stay sharp with The Expert Edge!
Thank you so much for your interest!
This event is now over.
This online session will be held on:
Thursday, November 7, from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM (CT).
Check-in for registered participants will open on Zoom at 1:20 PM.
Join us for “Plain Language for Clearer Communication & Better Understanding.”
This literacy training session will focus on the importance of using plain language with adult literacy students. Presenter Kathryn Bauchelle will take us through some reasons to make plain language a priority, and some practical ways to incorporate it into your programs.
This training session is offered free of charge to Texas nonprofit professionals who work in the fields of adult and family literacy. The session provides 1.5 hours of professional development.
Every online registration will generate an automated email response with further information. If you don’t see it arrive, please check your junk mail!
Simplifying the way we communicate with one another can benefit everybody. Focusing on Plain Language means that the highest priority of a document, speech, or other piece of communication is being understood.
Most of us already start with that priority – but it’s very easy for other aspects to get in the way, without us even being conscious of them. Sometimes we give too much information. Sometimes we use big words in an effort to sound knowledgeable. Other times our layout, or word choices (like using too many idioms, for example), or other factors, can get in the way of clear understanding.
Plain Language can particularly benefit adult learners. When someone is learning English, or learning to read, having information made as clear as possible can make a huge difference.
Speaking and writing plainly is an intentional approach that we adopt in order to help those around us. Plain Language is not an exact science – but there are some guiding principles that can help us. Come along to this session to learn about some of those principles, and have a chance to practice them with peers and in a learning environment.

Presenter: Kathryn Bauchelle
Kathryn began her plain language journey in Houston, in around 2010. Directing a volunteer-based adult literacy program at that time, it became very clear to her that too many things – from new student orientation sessions, to flyers, to intake forms, to much more – were simply too complex for the students. Over the next few years, she and the programs team overhauled pretty much everything – always with clear communication as the main goal.
Kathryn’s background is in literacy, language acquisition, and education. She has worked in the Texas adult literacy field since moving to Houston in 2008.
PD Certificates
Someone who completes the full session will receive X hours of PD credit.
Certificates of completion will be awarded after the event. Complete the survey after the training is finished to give your details and get your certificate. Surveys will be sent via email in the days following the training.
Download a flyer to display at your location or send to others who may be interested in attending [link whole sentence to PDF of flyer].
Downloadable PDF flyer for this training session is coming soon.
Special thanks to:
[name of any sponsors or other partners – as many as relevant, new line for each]
The Texas Workforce Commission
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Checked/updated: 11/7/24