Every year, the Literacy Texas Annual Conference schedule of breakout sessions is made vibrant, topical, and varied by the gift of people’s time and expertise. People like you, willing to share your knowledge, are vital to the ongoing development of literacy professionals in Texas. We are grateful!
The theme of the 2024 annual conference is “Literacy and Beyond”.
When the 2024 RFP opens, we’ll be looking for sessions that explore this idea from different angles – an exploration of the many ways the world can open up for Texas adults and families once they’ve achieved the literacy level they want and need.
If this theme interests you, and you might have information to share, please start considering your RFP now. The 2024 Request for Proposals will open very soon – the content of the form is copied below, so you can prepare the content before you submit.
We’re planning a variety of sessions that explore this idea from different angles – an exploration of the many ways the world can open up for Texas adults and families once they’ve achieved the literacy level they want and need.
If this theme interests you, and you might have an interesting and relevant presentation to share at the conference, please send us your proposal. The submission form is linked below, and the content of the form is also on this page, so you can prepare the content before you submit.
The 2024 RFP has now closed
The 2025 RFP is not yet open
Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal!
We’ll be making decisions about presentations in April and May, and will be in touch soon.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal! All decisions have now been made regarding breakout sessions – please check your inbox and your spam for a message from Literacy Texas about the status of your submission.
2025 RFP Timeline
- mid-February 2025: RFP opens
- Wednesday, March 26, 2025: RFP closes
- April & May 2025: Communication with all presenters
- Late May 2025: Conference program in progress
- Early July, 2025: Complete conference program published
Planning to submit? We’d love to hear from you when the RFP opens.
PLEASE NOTE: Literacy Texas focuses on adult and family literacy. Proposals for sessions on childhood and school-age literacy are unlikely to be selected.
The Literacy Texas Conference Committee hopes to select a broad range of topics for the final schedule. We’re interested in proposals on all literacy topics, but our 2023-24 Annual Survey indicated particular interest in presentations on:
- Integrating workplace skills into literacy programs
- Helping adults achieve their High School Equivalency
- Student recruitment and orientation
- Student assessment and testing
- Volunteer recruitment, support, and retention
- Integrating digital literacy and technology into literacy programs
- Civics and citizenship
- Teaching effective online classes
- Clear communication and plain language
- Using data; effective and practical program evaluation
- Fund development and sustainability
- Understanding literacy in a wider context, e.g., linked to poverty
- Literacy as a part of library programs
2023-24 survey respondents also expressed strong interest in topics that:
- Take a “case study” approach, highlighting successful programs; and
- Link findings to ongoing research, methodology, and instructional theory/best practice.
The 2024 RFP is now open
The online submission form is linked here. The questions in it are repeated on this page, directly below, to allow you time to consider and prepare your responses before entering the information in the online form.
If you have ANY problems or issues with the online submission process, call the Literacy Texas Helpline:
Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Central Time
If you have any questions about presenting at the Literacy Texas Annual Conference, please contact us: conference[at]literacytexas.org.
Last day for submissions: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
* Required field
2024 RFP form content for your reference
This is not the form – the live form is linked above and below. This form content is listed here so that you can prepare your proposal before having to enter it in the form fields.
The 2024 RFP has closed. This form content is listed for your reference.
The 2025 RFP may change a little but is likely to be largely similar.
THANK YOU for your interest in presenting at the 2024 Literacy Texas Annual Conference.
The information we’ll gather in the form has two purposes:
- To help the conference committee select varied and relevant sessions for conference attendees, and
- To gather the information we’ll use in the printed conference program, on the Literacy Texas website, and on social media, so that attendees can find the sessions that will be of most interest to them.
Each part of this form outlines where and how the information you’re submitting will be used.
PLEASE NOTE: Literacy Texas focuses on adult and family literacy. Proposals for sessions on childhood and school-age literacy are unlikely to be selected.
*Required field
Breakout session title (max. 75 characters)*
The best titles are both accurate and interesting.
Primary topic area*
You will have the opportunity to select two additional topic areas as secondary topics, immediately below.
>Adult Foundational Education (HSE, ASE, ABE)
>Advocacy, Public Awareness
>Civics, Citizenship
>Marketing, Communications
>Community Partnerships, Collaboration
>Digital Literacy, Technology
>Distance & Virtual Learning
>Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
>English Language Learning (ESL, ESOL, ELL)
>Family & Parent Literacy
>Fundraising, Program Sustainability
>Health Literacy
>Instructional Theory, Methodology, Research
>Learning Differences & Disabilities
>Library Programs & Literacy Services
>Literacy for Work, Work Readiness
>Math, Numeracy, Financial Literacy
>Program Evaluation, Data Management
>Staff & Program Management for Nonprofits
>Volunteer Support & Management
Secondary topic area #1*
You will select an additional secondary topic area immediately below.
[same list as above]
Secondary topic area #2*
Please make sure that all three of your selected topic areas are different.
[same list as above]
Breakout session summary (max. 230 characters)*
Outline the main focus of your session in one or two sentences. These summaries will be listed in the printed program and on the Literacy Texas Conference Breakout page: literacytexas.org/breakouts (you can see examples from 2023 on that page) and are intended to catch someone’s interest and make them want to learn more.
Breakout session description (max. 3,500 characters)*
This is for the conference committee, and also for your session webpage (see an example here). Information in the “Description” and “What we’ll cover” sections will ideally each be a minimum of around 1,000 characters, and should not exceed 3,500 characters in total.
The conference committee will evaluate proposals according to the extent that they:
1. State clear objectives;
2. Focus on a specific audience;
3. Have the potential to interactively engage participants through discussion or activities;
4. Provide information, strategies, or tools participants can use in their work;
5. Are grounded in the presenter’s experience;
6. Are timely and relevant;
7. Provide research-based expertise for adult and family literacy providers;
8. Show links to the conference theme (2024: “Literacy and Beyond”).
“Description” section (guideline: 200 – 500 characters)*
Expand on the summary you already provided with an introduction to your session.
“What we’ll cover” section (guideline: 1,000 – 3,000 characters)*
List learning outcomes, objectives, and other details about your session.
Primary audience*
Please select from the list below.
>Classroom Instructors (volunteers, teachers, tutors; classroom roles)
>Decision-Makers (Program Directors or CEOs)
>Program Administrators (non-classroom roles in any type of literacy program)
>General audience
Audience degree of familiarity with the topic*
Who will benefit most from your session?
>Beginners – people learning about this topic for the first time
>Intermediate – people who are ready to go beyond basics with this topic
>Advanced – people who have a high degree of familiarity with this topic
Will you be promoting any type of product or service as part of this session?*
Attendees want to know if the session is a promotion in any way. No sessions should be a “hard sell,” but in the interests of transparency, we note in the program and on the website which sessions are sponsored by vendors or exhibitors.
>Yes, I will be promoting a product or service
IF YES: What type of product or service? (max. 300 characters)
IF YES: From which organization or company? (max. 300 characters)
Is this session wholly, or in significant part, a case study of a successful adult or family literacy program?*
Conference attendees tell us that they enjoy case studies for their practical application.
OPTIONAL: Any other info you’d like to share with prospective attendees? (max. 300 characters)
Any details you add here will be listed on your session webpage under “Other info” (here’s that example again). You could, for example:
– List a specific resource you’ll be focusing on;
– Tell people to bring a device to the session;
– Link an interesting article for pre-reading.
Breakout session format*
Priority will be given to interactive sessions.
>Hands-on presentation
>Round-table discussion
>Other – please list
Preferred session length*
This year’s conference schedule includes 60-min, 75-min and 90-min breakout sessions. We will do our best to accommodate all requests but cannot guarantee a particular session length.
We will communicate with all presenters about the final schedule well in advance of the conference.
>60 min
>75 min
>90 min
>Flexible on time
Preferred room set-up*
Feedback from attendees is that they like to be able to face the speaker. Please select “round tables” only if your session will involve a lot of group discussion.
>Round tables
>Flexible on set-up
Audio-visual and technology options*
Each room will be furnished with:
LCD projector + screen
Laptop computer
Wifi access
Flipchart & markers
Please note that we cannot guarantee any equipment beyond what we provide. You should plan to bring any special adapters or other equipment that you will need for your session.
I will bring:*
>HDMI adapter
>Apple computer adapter
>Neither of the above – I don’t need any additional equipment
Sharing of presentation materials*
Breakout session attendees often request PPT slides and other handouts to be sent to them after the conference is over. To streamline this for presenters, Literacy Texas is happy to host presentation materials on the conference website (in the “Handouts & Materials” section of your session’s webpage).
If you would like to share your materials in this manner, please send them to conference[at]literacytexas.org at any time. Materials will be uploaded as soon as possible after they are received (or you can request that we hold on posting materials until after the conference – just let us know your preferences when you send).
Please send PDFs only.
Do you plan to share presentation materials to be made available on the Literacy Texas website?
>I’ll decide later
There’s space in this form to submit information for up to three presenters (the lead presenter plus up to two co-presenters). If you need to list more than three presenters, please get in touch at conference[at]literacytexas.org.
Personal details, including email address, cell phone number, and ZIP code, will not be published on the website or in the printed program.
Lead presenter information*
First name, last name
Job title
Organization name
Organization website
Email address
Cell phone
ZIP code
Lead presenter history*
Has the lead presenter led a breakout session at a Literacy Texas conference or symposium before?
>Yes, in 2023 and/or 2022
>Yes, in 2021 or earlier
>No, this will be the first time!
Please share a brief account of the lead presenter’s experience, for example, recent presentations, on what topics, year of first presentation, etc.*
Lead presenter bio* (max. 1,500 characters)
Please submit bio in the third person. Presenter bios will be included on the Literacy Texas website and possibly in social media.
NOTE: We will also need a headshot in JPG or PNG format, minimum 300px on the shortest side (larger is great!). You can send this to conference[at]literacytexas.org at any time.
There will be space on the form to submit information for up to 2 co-presenters – the same information as listed for the lead presenter. If your session has more than 3 presenters, please get in touch with Literacy Texas: conference[at]literacytexas.org.
We’ll ask you to give as much information as you can for your co-presenters, but you can submit your proposal without co-presenter info if you need to. We can gather the other necessary information from you at a later date, if you don’t have it available while submitting.
Please read these statements carefully and check each one if you agree.
The lead presenter and any co-presenter(s):*
- Must register for the conference and pay any registration fees.
- Will be responsible for all costs related to transportation, lodging, and meals not provided as part of the registration.
- Will be responsible for costs of audio-visual and technology equipment requested beyond one flipchart, laptop computer, markers, speakers, wifi, screen, and LCD projector.
- Will not be paid a stipend.
- Must follow copyright laws.
- Will be responsible for any personal equipment used in the presentation, along with printing and supplying any handouts or other presentation materials for attendees.
- Grant permission to Literacy Texas for use of any photography/videography for future promotional purposes.
Each item listed will have a checkbox for “Agree” or “Do not agree.”
The lead presenter will be responsible for communicating information between the Literacy Texas Conference Committee and any co-presenter(s).
Do you agree to be the lead communicator between Literacy Texas and any/all co-presenters?
>N/A – I have no co-presenters
The 2025 RFP is not yet open. The form content above is listed for your planning purposes. Make sure you’re on our mailing list to be informed when the RFP opens in February.
Don't forget your conference swag!
Caps, t-shirts in multiple styles, mugs, travel mugs, stationery, and more… all available in the Literacy Texas online store. All profits support literacy in Texas AND you can rep the literacy cause in style!
Browse the whole store here, or click on the images below to see the 2024 Annual Conference collection.
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Page updated 8/07/2024