We believe a strong and prosperous Texas begins with an educated adult population.
Literacy Texas advocates for these legislative priorities:
- Adult education should be funded at a rate sufficient to improve secondary education completion.
- Texas should make the minimum investment in adult education to match federal investments. The legislature should invest to increase the rate of high school completion, and position Texans to become the skilled workers Texas employers need.
- Adult education should support the workforce development goals of the state.
- The legislature should support the development of mid-skill and high-skill workers in the critical growth areas of health care, technology, and industry, and expand programs for underskilled and English language learners in workforce training and incumbent worker education.
- Adult education should be positioned to support all adult learners.
- The legislature should support and expand investment in volunteer and community-based groups to increase capacity and leverage local resources to build a better workforce and stronger community.
Literacy Texas encourages and incubates literacy groups around the state to increase their capacity through collaboration. At the state level, we advocate on behalf of the adult education community to ensure their voices are heard in all areas of business and government.
Literacy Texas Talks
Keep up with literacy issues in Texas with Literacy Texas Talks – a podcast that focuses on the big issues affecting literacy in Texas and in the United States.
Keep up with advocacy on the national level with the Adult Ed podcast, Advocast – adult education’s first podcast devoted to helping you become a stronger advocate for the field of adult education and literacy.
In each episode, experts and experienced advocates tackle a specific topic. You’ll hear about advocacy in various forms: social media outreach, forging partnerships, meeting with legislators, and much more! Develop your advocacy skills and become a champion for adult education.
Advocast is a project of COABE, the Coalition on Adult Basic Education.
Other Resources
Find statistics, resources, and reports related to adult education and literacy below:
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Checked/updated 10/1/2024