Dear readers,
As many of you know, in 2013 Texas moved its Adult Education and Literacy program from the Texas Education Agency to the Texas Workforce Commission — and for good reason! AEL is absolutely essential to the cultivation of a successful workforce. Need proof? Data from the U.S. Department of Labor shows that in 2016, adults with a high school education made an average of 37% more than those without. Investment in adult education is investment into the workforce, and it’s important that adult education doesn’t stop at just literacy; it should also help students learn how to move into the workforce.
Integrating workforce education into the classroom isn’t always easy, but that’s where our conference can help you out! We have a number of workforce pros ready to share a wealth of information on workforce literacy, higher education, career pathways, and more. Here are just a few of our 2017 offerings.
Career Pathways 101
This crash course into Career Pathways (CPs) will introduce and define CPs, review the Seven Key Elements for developing a program, and review CP models used.
Creative Distance Learning Options for Workforce Literacy Programs
Students in certain workforce areas face unique challenges, and that’s where creative solutions make all the difference! This presentation will cover options for workforce distance learning and help you write a plan to suit your program’s unique needs.
Career and College Pathways for Undocumented and DACA-mented Students
A comprehensive lesson on how to assist students with higher education processes, including scholarships. The session will explain the differences between undocumented, DACA-mented, and Permanent Resident populations; as well as the steps necessary for undocumented students applying for college and financial aid.
Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators
This interactive session will introduce the Employability Skills Framework and explain the importance of mastering these skills.
So, what are you waiting for? Click the button below to register, and download our mobile app to view the full schedule of conference sessions!