Conference Spotlight: Creativity in the Classroom

Dear readers,

One change we worked to implement in this year’s conference was increasing the fun factor, and we wanted our sessions to reflect that. Of the many wonderful proposals we received, here are a few that we think will be especially creative and enjoyable to attend.

The Multiple Values and Benefits of Journaling

Delve into the world of journaling with author Arlene Gale! Though widely accepted as a tool for personal growth, journaling is rarely considered for its value as a professional development tool to grow writing skills. In this session, you’ll flex your “show, don’t tell” muscles, learn the art of capturing emotions in writing, and explore ways to teach scenes and settings for world building.

Getting Graphic: The Value of Graphic Novels in Literacy Instruction

Comics are already a widely used tool in the adult literacy classroom, and the last decade has seen an explosion in the popularity of graphic novels. But how can we incorporate these tools into our instruction? This session will help you create a lesson plan around a graphic novel and locate resources in researching graphic novels.

Hear here! The Audio Revolution of Podcasts, Adapted for Literacy Instruction

Podcasts offer easily accessed content for free, and can be adapted for any adult education program. Attend this presentation to learn how to access tools that adapt audio into written content for instruction, and how to craft a lesson plan around audio content.

Literacy Lessons as a Half-Orc: Go beyond Monopoly & Teach With Tabletop Gaming

While heroically fighting dragons, players gain reading, numeracy, leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills. This fun and interactive session will teach you to integrate roleplaying and tabletop games into the adult learning environment.

We hope these sessions make you as excited as we are for the conference! You can learn more about our event at, and be sure to check out the full presentation schedule here.

Next week, we’ll have a first-time attendee of our 2016 Conference share some insight on what to expect, how the event differs from our regional symposiums, and more, so be sure to check back on Wednesday!

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