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What Leaders Need: Fundraising for Nonprofits

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The “What Leaders Need” training series for new and emerging literacy leaders is proud to present:

What Leaders Need: How to Write a Fundraising Plan

This online leadership training session with special guest presenter Rachel Muir will be held on Tuesday, September 24, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM (CT).

Check-in for registered participants will open on Zoom at 8:50 AM. 

This training event is a special collaborative activity of Literacy Texas, Adult Learning Alliance of Arkansas, and Oklahoma Literacy Coalition, and is offered free of charge to nonprofit professionals in Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma who work in the fields of adult and family literacy.


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Are your fundraising operations disorganized, unplanned, last-minute, or reactionary?

If your largest funder went away tomorrow would you be able to make up the difference?

You wouldn’t drive a car blindfolded, so why would you fundraise without a plan? Your success depends on the decisions you make about your fundraising strategy.

Join us to learn:

  • The winning ingredients (and eye-candy examples) of successful fundraising plans
  • The simple three-step process to building your fundraising plan
  • How to set realistic measurable goals and ensure they are followed
  • Examples and templates to follow
  • How to create a fundraising budget with plenty of approaches and formats to choose from

As a special bonus, you’ll get easy-to-implement fundraising plan templates and budgets.

Muir, Rachel

Presenter: Rachel Muir

When she was 26, Rachel Muir launched Girlstart – a non-profit empowering girls in math, science, engineering and technology – in the living room of her apartment with $500 and a credit card.  Several years later she had raised over $10 million and was featured on Oprah, CNN, and the Today show.  

Today Rachel delivers workshops and offers a monthly membership, League of Extraordinary Fundraisers, transforming people into confident, successful fundraisers.  Learn more about Rachel at

PD Certificates

Someone who completes the full session will receive 1.5 hours of PD credit.

Certificates of completion will be awarded after the event. Complete the survey after the training is finished to give your details and get your certificate. Surveys will be sent via email in the days following the training.

Special thanks to:

[name of any sponsors or other partners – as many as relevant, new line for each]

The Texas Workforce Commission

Page checked/updated: 9/25/24

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