Across Texas, hundreds – maybe thousands – of community-based literacy programs regularly get new instructors ready to work with adult literacy classes. Every week, trainings take place on topics like How Adults Learn, Reading Basics, Intro to ESL, and more.
That’s a LOT of duplicated effort.
Intake to Outcomes is designed to save you time. It could replace the sections of your current teacher or volunteer tutor training that focus on teaching basics and core techniques, and allow you to spend more time on the onboarding elements specific to your program or site – such as the curriculum you use, site tours, or other processes.
Or, it could become the focus of a refresher workshop or other professional development for your teachers, tutors, or other instructors.
Workshops on the online platform for teachers are self-paced, and the video-based sessions are supported by experienced facilitators ready to answer questions.
I2O Tutor Training workshops available to your program:
- Reading Basics 2.0 (for Adult Basic Literacy tutors)
- Language Basics 2.0 (for English Language tutors)
- Math Basics 2.0 (for entry-level Math tutors)
- The Citizenship Coach (for Citizenship tutors)
- Employability Soft Skills
I2O is designed to be equally useful to brand new volunteers just getting started, or as a refresher for instructors who have been teaching for a while.
The program is flexible, interactive, and evidence-based:
- Training is based on latest research and evidence-based practices
- Instructional text, audio, videos, and interactive activities
- 24/7 access with smartphones, tablets, or computers
- Participants can start and stop on their own schedules
- Video demonstrations with real tutors and students
- Tutors earn certificates of completion
- Resources available to the tutor after the training is complete
Experienced facilitators monitor, support, and provide feedback to tutors throughout the highly-structured online workshops.
And I2O is cost effective: No need to worry about trainer recruitment, finding a site, preparing materials, travel expenses, sporadic training sessions, and no-shows. Best of all – for a limited number of Texas agencies, TCALL (the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy & Learning) is picking up the tab for the training so you can access it completely for free.
Ready to learn more?
Check out the video of the demonstration session hosted by Literacy Texas and TCALL in December 2021 below, and get in touch with any questions and to take your next steps.
Special thanks to the Texas Workforce Commission and to TCALL (the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy & Learning) for their generous support of I2O for Texas literacy programs.
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