About This Session
Program evaluation is a systematic, data-driven review of a program within an organization designed to answer questions about program effectiveness and efficiency, ensure program activities are connected to the organization’s strategic goals, and provide information that helps increase an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission.
Nonprofit organizations can use program evaluation to make data-driven decisions and engage staff, board and funders.
What we'll cover:
Session 1 will focus on understanding the types of evaluation that are most useful for nonprofit organizations and how to begin to put evaluation methods into practice. Participants will create a theory of change for their program or project.
Session 2 will give an overview of logic models and participants will understand and practice creating outputs and outcomes, goals, indicators and benchmarks for program evaluation.
Topics & Focus
Primary Topic Area

Session will also cover:

Handouts & Materials

Wendy Ogren
Vice President of Services
The Center for Nonprofit Management


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Other info:
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Breakout24 – OGREN
Page checked or updated: 7/28/24
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