About This Session
Research shows a direct correlation between the power of motivating learners and its impact on attention and memory. We will discuss how learning happens, what impacts learning, and building a learning climate that yields results.
Engaging learners through interactive activities will increase motivation, improve critical thinking skills, and lead to higher learner achievements and outcomes. Research shows a direct correlation between the power of motivating learners through active learning strategies and the impact that motivation has on learning characteristics such as attention and memory. This session will focus on the fundamentals of how learning happens, what impacts learning, and building a learning climate in the classroom that yields results.
What we'll cover:
The art of teaching is so much more than just imparting knowledge and teaching skills to learners. To have a successful program, the advancement of learners’ outcomes is critical.
Our focus in this session will be to review different instructional strategies that will help instructors increase learner performance by understanding the process of brain-based learning, the fundamentals of how learning happens, what factors impact learning, and how to build a learning climate in the classroom that yields results by increasing positive outcomes.
This is an interactive session that will provide participants with practical ways to incorporate active teaching strategies in their classroom that will engage learners moving from passive to active instruction.
We will practice a few of the most useful strategies in this session to help participants feel more comfortable with these engaging approaches. Teachers have such a limited time with their adult learners, so the more that is understood about how students learn the more successful teachers will be in providing effective instruction that will be engaging and motivating for learners.
When teachers are empowered with the knowledge of how to motivate learners, they will have a better chance of keeping learners in the classroom in order to make NRS gains and multiple outcomes.
Handouts will be given to each participant that will reinforce the instructional strategies:
- To improve the understanding of the fundamentals of brain-based learning
- To improve classroom strategies by incorporating active learning techniques into instruction
- To encourage participants to challenge learners by incorporating critical thinking skills in the classroom
Topics & Focus
Primary Topic Area

Session will also cover:


Handouts & Materials
No handouts or materials available at this time.

Christina Miller
National Consultant for Adult Education and Workforce
Visit Aztec in the conference Exhibitor Area!


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Other info:
This is not a product/vendor presentation.
Breakout24 – MILLER
Page checked or updated: 6/28/24
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