About This Session
Many of our students come to us at a later age when their children are out of the house, and they find it is time to continue their learning. For all that come to adult education we strive to incorporate workforce activities in our instruction to prepare our students for work.
What we'll cover:
Join in on this session as we learn about presenting information to our 50+ student population, learn about aspects one should know about aging students, and gain ideas to share with students over 50 as they look for employment.
Topics & Focus
Primary Topic Area

Session will also cover:


Handouts & Materials
No handouts or materials available at this time.

Dr. Olga Escamilla
PD Specialist
Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy & Learning (TCALL)
Visit TCALL in the conference Exhibitor Area!


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Breakout24 – ESCAMILLA
Page checked or updated: 6/28/24
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